Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2007

Xubuntu installieren ohne CD-Rom

You might want to include instructions for a PXE install which is what I use for most of the servers here. The instructions below are what I put on our internal Wiki for the other techs to use.

Preboot Execution Environment, an environment to bootstrap computers using a network interface card instead of traditional installation media like floppy or CD.

You can install Ubuntu Linux, or boot to Ubuntu Live, via PXE. To enable PXE boot the DHCP server has to be configured to point DHCP clients to a boot file upon request.

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Server PXE Setup

1. Setup TFTP Server on another Ubuntu system
1. apt-get install tftpd-hpa tftp-hpa
2. nano -w /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
1. RUN_DAEMON=”yes”
2. OPTIONS=”-l -s /home/pxeuser/install/netboot”
3. adduser pxeuser
4. mkdir /media/pxecd
5. mount -o loop /foo/bar/ubuntu-6.06-server-i386.iso /home/pxeuser

2. Add PXE boot parameters to DHCP
1. Login to your DHCP server as root
2. nano -w /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
3. Scroll to the very bottom
4. Enter the following:

#PXE Install
host pxeinstall {
# Change the MAC address on the next line
hardware ethernet 00:19:D1:39:8A:D0;
# Change the IP address for the new system on the next line
# Change the IP address to your TFTP Servers IP on the next line
filename “pxelinux.0″;
5. Press CTRL-X and save the changes
6. /etc/init.d/dhcp restart
3. In the BIOS of the new system configure PXE boot
4. Reboot the new system

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